Sunday 14 August 2016

Update ~ Book Two

Great News...
The first draft of 'Book Two' is almost complete. 
The manuscript is 85k so far, but there's still a little more writing to do before the edits begin.
I'm happy, happy. :o) 
I've also added more to the Book Companion Pages
Book Bible
My 'Bible Companion' is a compendium of all things relating to 'A Carpet of Purple Flowers' Book Series (#ACoPF). It contains information such as backstories of characters, in-depth character analysis from shoes to furnishings, scars, how they like to wear their hair, etc. Each of 'The Orders' and the 'Houses' are recorded, from symbols relating to that sect and why they use them, to clothing worn and how that Order began. I don't add all of these details to the books, but they're areas that I need to know/understand to write informatively about the realms and the different beings that live there. I've also created a journal in which one of my characters records their experiences, mentioned in the books, which helps me view this new world through a character's eyes and experiences. It's a fun way to explore new ideas combining writing and art, a process that sparks my muse. 
See more over at the website - HERE
When I first began playing around with the idea of writing 'A Carpet of Purple Flowers' (first book), my initial choice for the main character (the protagonist) was a young Jonathan. The starting point, Coldfall Woods where he studied the Rosebay Willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium).
In the German tradition, naturphilosophie or nature philosophy persisted into the 18th and 19th centuries as an attempt to achieve a speculative unity of nature and spirit. 
Natural philosophy or philosophy of nature (from Latin philosophia naturalis) was the philosophical study of nature and the physical universe that was dominant before the development of modern science. Natural philosophy was the precursor of natural sciences.
Jonathan acknowledges indigenous wisdom as a global knowledge bank held by humans from all races and countries. Primitive skills are the original survival skills which all humans once used in order to live in harmony with the earth. Nature Philosophy helps to share these skills and keep them alive in the modern day. He is a seeker of the ancient knowledge. 

Jonathan dresses out style compared to the attire of modern-day humans,
 wearing high collars and a cravat. He jitters quite a bit when nervous and has many secrets.
He questions everything and records his findings in journals.
 Who are we? What are we? Where did we begin?
To find these answers and more I must follow the fading trail left by our ancestors. I must not seek with only my eyes, but learn to listen with my heart, hear the low mutterings of my soul, seeking inside and outside of myself. The path to truth is perilous and one I walk alone. ~ Jonathan's  journals
Lifprasira (Lif-pra-si-ra) symbols ~ Otherworldly Hieroglyphs
Once the eyes have been opened to all that's hidden,
you can never go back to the person you were. 
I understand what was. I understand my purpose. I understand what needs to be done.
 ~ Jonathan's journals
Our very being, our purpose, and our past, can only be understood through the combination of knowledge, thought, and contemplation. The latter, of course, is the most important. Unfortunately, there is little time to reflect in the modern world, and time passes too quickly to dwell on what was. Imagination and expansion of the mind are the keys which unlock concealment, cleverly disguised, mostly as a feeling. There is a knowing within us all, it's where our history resides, spoken in a language we have forgotten. Learn to look in the spaces in-between and not at the obvious options presented, it is where the truth lives. A tree grows, you see its beauty yet see no roots, dig and they will be revealed. The inner rings of history remain out of sight too, but look beyond, open it up and peer inside. The answers have always been there. ~ Jonathan's journals
Love and light,

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